Envoyé Spécial | France 2 | 26mn (French)

Our investigative documentary « The Lonely Branches: Vietnamese women trafficking in China » reveals an appaling situation which has never been filmed before.

As China is experiencing a severe gender unbalance, millions of Chinese farmers living in remote villages struggle to find a wife. These « Lonely Branches », as they are called in China, do not hesitate to cross the border and spend between 3000 and 7000 dollars, the equivalent of 10 years of labour, to buy a wife abroad. We have traced back the chain of this unimaginable human trafficking, starting from the village of Tingsha, China, and leading us 3,500 kilometers away, in Vietnam.

Director: Wang Zhe 王喆 | DOP: Gael Caron

« The Lonely Branches: Vietnamese women trafficking in China » was selected as part of the 2014 FIGRA (international current affairs and society documentary film festival) competition.